Untitled Document

REA: 14.132 km�

POPULATION: 582.839 (1990 Ge�ici)


DISTRICTS: Yozgat (center), Akda�madeni, Ayd�nc�k, Bo�azl�yan, �and�r, �ay�ralan, �ekerek, Kad��ehri, Saraykent, Sar�kaya, Sorgun, �efaatli, Yenifak�l�, Yerk�y.

SITES OF INTEREST: Grand Mosque of Yozgat, Cevahir Ali Efendi Mosque, Ba��avu�o�lu Mosque and Yozgat Clock Tower, Yozgat �aml��� National Park, Yozgat Museum, Akda�madeni Kad� P�nar� forest recreation area, Sar�kaya Terzili hot springs, Tavion city from Antiquity, Yerk�y �apano�lu mosques.

Provincial Cultural Directorate

    Tel: (354) 212 54 93
    Fax: (354) 219 91 65

Cultural Centers

    A hall with 180 seating capacity for theater, conferences, etc.
    400 m� Exhibition Hall
    350 m� Library
    Art workshops

    Contact Address: �l K�lt�r M�d�rl��� - Yozgat
    Tel: (354) 212 51 58
    Fax: (354) 212 91 65

State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate
    K�lt�r Merkezi
    Tel: (0 354) 212 68 22


    Archeology Museum
    Address: Sungulu Sok. Hattu�a� Yoku�u - Yozgat
    Tel: (354) 212 27 73

    Ethnography Museum
    Address: A. Nohutlu Mah. Emniyet Cad. - Yozgat
    Tel: (354) 212 27 73

Significant Days

    Local Days of Celebration:

    E�rice (H�d�rellez)
    6 May

    Anniversary of Atat�rk's arrival at Yozgat
    15 October